Facebook Fan (Business) Page Promotion Strategies

1) Posting content on Facebook page and sharing the post from your personal account on regular basis (ideally 2-4 posts per day).
Note: The post should be so interesting that people should compel to like, comment and share it.

2) Maintaining Interactivity.
Note: Like fans comments and reply to their queries ... being responsive will make your fans active on your Facebook business page. Remember, you will have to be as active as your Facebook business page's likers are. People crave interaction and the more you engage with your fans, the more likely they will return to your fan page. Supportive fans will regularly share your posts with their circle of friends, which will increase the possibility of their friends to like your Facebook business page.

3) Joining relevant Facebook groups and sharing our Facebook page's posts as often as reasonable.
Note: The larger the number of group members where you will share your page's posts, the more will be the probability to reach your targeted traffic.

4) Making new friends from your one or many Facebook profile(s), and utilizing the Facebok page feature  "Invite Your Friends to Like This Page".

5) You will need to add friends to your personal Facebook account who have already liked other relevant Facebook fan pages. Adding Facebook profiles of famous personalities such as radio jockeys, show anchors, video jockeys, novel writers etc. is also a wise idea as they have a large number fan-followings and friend-list.
Note: Tagging these famous personalities in your images and posts will help those posts to drive maximum Likes, Comments and Shares.

6) Posting interesting images and info-graphics as equal to content posts can be a great strategy as you can tag up-to 50 Facebook users of your friend list in a picture post.
Note: Tagging friends in image posts will result in great output, especially if you are tagging the above suggested famous personalities" as your post will be reachable in front of a huge amount of Facebook traffic.

7) Liking others relevant Facebook business pages (Some pages have millions of fans), adding your informative and valuable comments and links if needed on their posts keeping it to a reasonable amount to avoid the risks of annoying people by overdoing it frequently.

8) Placing your Facebook page link or a useful post link on other social media networks has become a good practice to get fruitful results.
Note: Using a Social Media Management tool to synergize activities across other social networks has become also a commonly used technique. You can use a third-party program such as Hootsuite to make it easier to manage this. You need to be careful using direct messages to send your Facebook links; more and more people are wary of "automated messages" as they feel that you're not being genuine using these.  It will be best if you try to add a personal touch to show you wrote it for them personally.

facebook fan page promotion strategies

Apart from these, you can also do the following things to promote a Facebook fan page:

1) Posting blogs about your Facebook business page, giving some compelling reasons why people should join the page.

2) Embedding social plug-in of facebook Like Button/Box in the blog.

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